Dylan, Mikhail and Trey are showing their excitement even before we head inside for our group tours of Miller Park. It's such a cool way to start the celebration of Dylan's 9th birthday and we were blessed to both be able to chaperone the trip.
Mark and I are both big fans of the Brewers. To be able to join Dylan on this field trip and be eager to learn about our home team was a delight!
The weather held out for us to be able to enjoy this trip inside and out.

This is the view from Bob Euchre's announcing seat. During the games, the windows are open so that radio listeners get the vibe of being in the park. You can't see it, but there is a little black box - the "cough box" - that they have to push the button on in the event of swearing or other inappropriate things to help keep the event clean for the listeners at home.
We got to walk along the "warning track" you can see it in this photo. It is the gravel between the grass and the seats. It is 15 feet of special dirt that lets the fielders know that they have a limited amount of time to catch the ball and make the play. I never knew that.

On our way out to the bullpen, Dylan goes up for an outfield catch. Jump boy jump! Do you know why it's called the Bullpen? There are many theories, but our tour guide told us that it was basically due to Bull Durham Tobacco Pen and them advertising their products during the game. Instead of saying all of that with each time they wanted their pitchers to warm up, they shortened it to Bullpen. Sounds good to me.

This is my favorite picture of the day. It's symbolic of him looking out into his future and all of the people he'll likely interact with and impact over the years. It's a blank slate for a new year. A small kid in a big world, I pray desperately that we're preparing him for it.

After the tour, we got to tailgate in the empty parking lot and a few of us had a pick up game of softball. Here's Mark claiming his home run. I got a couple of great hits and got to be a kid. Dylan went off and played on the playground with his friends after awhile of catching. I really don't think that baseball is his sport.
This fieldtrip went from 9:00 to 2:00. We were all exhausted at the end of this day, but oh, it was only the beginning of Dylanpalooza for us.
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