So, the party continues....
This is Keith BEFORE the birthday party begins. He was smart to get a nap in, there was a lot on the party agenda for the weekend and he would need all of his energy and then some to keep up.
Trey, Dylan and Keith. The 3 Musketeers as I sometimes call them. One could say they'd make a great advertisement photo for diversity, but more than that, they've been friends for years through our friendships as adults. They've traveled together, sometimes lived together and have definitely been disciplined and corrected by the other pal's parents. This picture brings hope in my heart for them and their futures. I hope that they'll stay connected over time, though we all know how life can pull and tug on even the most solid relationships. They know each other's likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses and I believe that it's a safe place for them to be themselves, when they are together. They look out for one another and encourage the other and they know us as adults, that there is very little differences in our outlooks on what is most important in this life and the goal of reaching beyond this life into an eternal life with God.Their relationship signifies to me the value of my friendships and how they take work and time and energy. Keith lives out of town, but we make efforts to get Dylan to his friend's house near Madison and him to ours. Trey and Dylan are in school together this year, but will be in different ones next year and maintaining their connection will take sacrifice on the part of us as parents.
Maybe Dylan will be ousted from the friendship if he keeps this up. This is him at the top of the stairs at the laundry chute throwing things down. Below, Trey and Keith sit covered and giggling as the items come crashing down on their heads. I really can't say more about this, it really does not make any sense to me, but they had fun and no one got hurt. I never watched the 3 Musketeers, the closest I got was "The Three Amigos". But, I saw a desire for adventure and a lot of laughter and bonding. Hey...whatever it takes, right?
Whatever they choose as their career or paths in life one my biggest hopes is that as long as it makes sense to them, that they remain friends.
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