Thursday, May 29, 2008

Take me out to the ballgame...

So, my hubby surprised me with tickets to the Brewers vs. Braves game last week!

Doesn't my hair look a little "woody wood peckerish"? Anyhoo, I really, really, really like watching the Brewers play at Miller Park. It is most definitely an environmental, atmospheric, aesthetic kind of experience for me as I don't know much about the team, though I could wow with you my knowledge of the sport. I like the cleanliness of the stadium, the bright scoreboards, the history of the park and there is nothing better than a $6 ballpark dog to make it a great night.

Mark took me to the game last year when we were a dating couple and was surprised at how much I knew. It was fun impressing him in this way. I hope that it becomes a staple in our lives, a getaway of sorts. I am often equally excited and appalled at the camaraderie that comes from professional sports. I mean, the sound of a crowd cheering in unison, the wave, striking up a shallow, but fun conversation with your fellow fan - who can beat it? Then, I remember that I paid a decent amount of money for the tickets and the food and the team isn't even winning, but who cares because they're still getting their gazillion dollar check no matter the scoreboard and then my stomach (and attitude) turn for the worse.

My negativity comes in that I think it's warped that we pay athletes so much, but our teachers, social workers and police officers are hurting. Never mind that, I know of NO position in the military that makes as much as professional athletes a matter of fact, don't they get a check even larger than our president, the Commander in Chief? Whew! It almost makes my head hurting thinking about it.

Even with all of it, there's nothing like hearing the bat crack the ball as it soars far into outfield. There's nothing better than a double play with an extra close call (tie to the runner, thank you very much!) and believe me, the best part is your company. I absolutely adore attending the games with my hubby; he's my companion and my friend. I continue to wow him with my understanding of the game and he offers me tons of facts and history and stats. Lots and lots of stats. We enjoy ourselves greatly at the game and though I love to get dressed up and have fancy hair and nails, I really, really enjoy a day at the park. I am so glad that my husband likes to "take me out to the ballgame"...(you're singing it now aren't you?)

Great seats, hey?

Justathought...have you ever been in a crowded venue, people on their feet, shouting, whistling, whooping it up for whatever performer/entertainer they've come to see and thought or wondered how many of them will actually be going to heaven? I "go there" almost every time. Or here's another one that convicts me to the core...why am I willing to stand up and clap for this team (which has nothing to do with my salvation) but at church on Sunday, am hesitant to stand for the singers, evangelists or speakers who are worshipping and praising our God? WOW!!!!

There's nothing wrong with enjoying the pleasures of this world, just as long as they don't hurt God or our relationship with Him. And they can, if we let them. I think the realization that my support at a game vs. my support at church is an opportunity for me to consciously grow. It'll always matter that my heart in the support is truly pleasing to God; to not to just go through the motions to bring about balance or equilibrium, or because four of you actually read this post and will now be "watching me", but...instead, that it is my heart to stand and praise and encourage others as they help me in my worship to God.

This game was a lot of fun. Until the bottom of the 7th, we were losing to the Braves (my Alma mater, if you will - shout out to ATL!!!!) and then a shift in one batter turned it all around. We needed the fever to catch, the Brewers rallied and made punts and walks work to their advantage. They played until the game no longer needed to be played and maybe that's what makes folks jump to their feet and cheer for their home team. It inspires hope within them. And hope is God. I believe He'll use anything for His glory and perhaps this come-from-behind victory is an example of that.

Nevertheless, I can say that my hope is in Christ alone. I know that even if the scoreboard had been reversed, it would not have changed much of anything for me or my life. Only the Good News can do that!

Even still, " me some peanuts and cracker jacks, I don't care if I never get back for it's root, root, root for the home team, for if they don't win it's a shame, for it's 1, 2, 3 strikes you're out at the old ball game!!!!"

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