So, I think I may be a cat.
This chair is in our sunroom at the back of the house. And while I realize it would have been a better shot with me IN the chair, I wanted to get my blog post done for the night before it got too late. Anyway, this chair faces our backyard that I'm able to see through a large window that allows the sun to seep through it, bathing me in its comfort and warmth. Often times, I'll just sit and look outside, listening to the birds chirping or the neighbors talking or sometimes the construction crews down the street working. Other times, I'll sit with my journal and Bible(s) open studying God's word. Today, I felt like a cat in my chair.
I had already had some quality time of prayer and reading with God today...1 Peter 2:16 & 17 was convicting to my heart. I cleaned and folded some laundry. I was also keeping an ear out for a sick kidlet. (Dylan had a bellyache) When I could finally rest, I plopped into my special chair, I closed my eyes and squished myself into a curled ball, much like a cat slumbering in the sun and I zonked out for about an hour. I was drooling (can't be seen in the photo); it was a much needed sleep. When we bought this house, I didn't even realize how special this room/this place would become for me. It has been a place for deep talks with friends and for daily connection conversations with my husband, but it's biggest draw for me is as my meeting place with God.
Now don't get me wrong, God is everywhere and when I'm unified with Him, He's within me (and other places in our home are quite nice). But, it is nice to have a special place for the two of us right inside our home. It has become a place where I can retreat and settle quickly into being prepared to be transformed, disciplined, renewed, comforted and encouraged. It is just me and God, but since it's also the family's most used entryway into our home, there are often visible reminders of how full my life is (tennis shoes, cleats, flip flops, backpacks, toys, briefcases) and it can be incredibly helpful for me for me to consider the people that fit into those things. Cats don't think like that, do they?
I am grateful to be where I am in my life (even though it doesn't always feel like this chair) and have a place like this to take the time to ponder more about what that means and what it looks like from God's heart and perfect love and from my own. It reminds me that I have time to slow down and let the developing take place. And what a cushy place to do that even though I'm not always a fan of the conclusions I come to about where I am. Even still, day after day, most likely with a cup of coffee, I'll be returning to this spot for some precious time to revere my God and let Him grow me....yawwnnnn, stretch, hissss...through it all.
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