Now for the record, I'm redefining the word "chaos" or I should say that being married to a boy and living with two other boys is helping me to redefine and possibly exchange the word "chaos" for fun, excitement and adventure. It's a whole new world inside their heads and hearts and it is one I have to buckle my belt to enter. The hardwiring of a boy is so intriguing to me...did I say that, I meant frustrating because it makes little sense to me. When one of our kids was without their regular entertainment, two of them pulled together to make their own "sculpture" (see below). They were so excited, they wanted photos taken and this is it. While I'll admit it is pretty creative, that's all of the fun I see in it. I just know that it can't be touched and that they spent A LOT of time working on it. I love that both of our boys have a great imagination, Mark and I have really contemplated investing in nice sketchbooks for them. Taylor is even a part of the Creative Arts Ministry at our church (I'll share more work with the artist's permission).
We actually arrived in Madison much earlier than anticipated, yes...I said EARLIER. So, we had an opportunity to treat ourselves to one of our favorite restaurants. Oh, so yummy! And since we went to Jamaica for our honeymoon, YEA MON, we couldn't wait to enjoy this treat as a newly married couple. We waited in anticipation for our food as Bob (oh come on, you know Bob) sang to us. It was just for us, this moment was ours. In slow motion the waitress brought our food, Mark's Jerk Chicken and my Curry Chicken. We prayed with smiles on our faces and our stomachs leaping onto the table with excitement for what was to come. It was a quick meal, delicious and wonderful. It is such good food, did I convey that? And since there isn't one in Milwaukee (starting another petition...) we get to enjoy it even that much more. 10 stars for David's!!!!
We had to get going...we had purpose beyond David's for driving into Madison. Gas prices, ouch!!!! These two people here are dear, dear friends of ours. Meet CaSondra and Ben. In 68 days (if I have the countdown right) they'll be Mr. & Mrs. Shim. A "Jack & Jill Shower" was hosted in their honor. It was such a privilege to make the toast with Mark for them. Mark and I also helped one of his lifelong dreams come be a game show host. We had questions for them to answer about one another in the fashion of the "Newlywed Game Show" and it was a blast to watch them get into the game, encourage one another, laugh and really show their knowledge and love for one another. A classy, wine & cheese party (V, Mark said the artichoke dip was good...gotta get the recipe) and great music, lots of laughter and smiles. A warm night well worth driving in to be a part of. Congratulations again you two!
Fortunately for us one of the bridesmaids and groomsmen from our wedding are married and have a spare bedroom that we could stay in, so we crashed at their home (thank you Bowlings!) and headed back to Milwaukee behind schedule...yes, I said late.
Dylan and I had a birthday party to get to. Eric Williams, Jr. was having his 7th birthday party at the Uiehlein Soccer Park. 13 boys had an entire indoor soccer field to themselves. Oh, so much fun to watch boys be boys. (Monica was there, are you following me? he, he) It's obvious we as moms are somewhat stumped about how best to manage them...when do we let go, when do we hold them back, what decisions do we make for them, which mistakes do we watch them fall into? We watched them be boys and there was a silent gratitude in the air for them helping us understand a little more about the grown boys in our lives. Interesting how watching them together made some of the "boystuff" seem more normal to me. Anyway, add running, tackling and scoring to pizza, cake and soda and you have a great afternoon of fun. Mom (me Mom) is wiped out by this point, we helped clean up and headed for home...Once home from the birthday party, I realized that my expectations to relax were not going to happen...why would I think that would be the case, we have all four kids and they're not in bed asleep yet.
We were gone overnight and we returned back home and it was time to crack the whip, as they say...though we don't have a whip, but we were gonna crack it. In working really hard to build some parenting unity, we decide to tackle the chaos and dysfunction with some of the things not so right in and around the house. So, we start asking questions like, why is this in the backyard? Why is this mug here? Who took that outside? Was there a fire that you needed to leave those juice boxes right in the middle of the grass (hey where did you get those juice boxes anyway, we didn't buy those)? We got to the bottom of it all - because we cracked that whip - only to find that "I didn't do it" had done it all. [Funny, I don't recall giving birth to that child, nevermind he/she's here all of the time.] Dylan runs out to get the water bottle that he's sure he didn't put out there (though it's his water bottle that he was using yesterday when we left) and comes back shrieking and laughing about there being a dead mouse in the backyard. Mark says we ought to be thankful that it wasn't Sabrina who would've likely picked it up with her bare hands and brought it into the house...yikes! So, they - all of them went out to get a closer look only to find it wasn't a tiny mouse at all, but almost the length of Taylor's foot. Uwckk. I got this close (zoom included) standing on a patio chair, then ran back into the house screaming. It was an interesting 24 hours (and these are only the highlights). I think it was as exciting as an episode of the highly rated television show. Did I mention there was a heated discussion about parenting on the way back from Madison to Milwaukee? Or that we had four or five "working it out/talking it through" conversations with all of our kids; so that when it came to asking who had a rough night 3 of the 4 had to agree that they'd been talked to, disciplined, redirected and flat out spanked since the the time we walked in the door. Or all of the other hundreds of things that you ought or need to do because if you don't do them they won't get done?
In all of that, I can still praise God (Psalm 147:1). Even with the confusion of boys, being late, dead animals, disobedience, chaos, lack of respect and regular life all piled on top of one another, there is still much to be grateful to God for. For God's mercy & grace...He forgives me everytime and redirects my path. For Mark; he is a smart and loving man. He is optimistic and faithful. He really loves and cares for me and is a great dad. For our children who in true kid form, were much better behaved with the sitter than with us. For great friends who help us out (Lorie Pukenis & Brian and Vanessa Bowling) so that we can help and encourage others.
Oh, the list could go on and, but I'd better get some rest to gear up for the next 24 hours.
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