Friday, May 9, 2008

Relief Day

So, we're back down to one child. There isn't much time to re-acclimate before more requests and life fight to claim the freedom that comes when you don't have even one child. We did it...we made it through the week without hurting one of them or each other - at least not physically. It's a challenge, one that will either bring us closer together or tear us apart. Here it is, "relief day", when I realize that I get a lot more quiet time and I'm rushing to figure out how to make my blog page pretty (suited best to me), get all of the laundry clean, the rooms tidied, the dishes all washed and put away, books read, phone calls of encouragement made and mothers day presents purchased and in one case out in the mail so that it makes to Georgia by tomorrow (did I mention that I haven't yet brushed my teeth or put on "real world" clothes). I have spent quality time with my God though. In 1 Peter 2:9, He reminds me of who I am and more importantly who HE is. As a member of a chosen, royal and holy family, lead and directed by His perfect love, I can do all I need to by being confident in this truth. "Relief day" began as it should have, all others - husband off to work and kids out the door to their respective schools (3) with backpacks in tow and then me; me and God talking and sipping coffee connecting as if nothing else mattered. Nevermind I've been building up a surprise date for my husband for a month or two and that I haven't even secured tickets to the venue (it's TONIGHT!) or that I don't know what our mothers would most be encouraged by from the mall right down the road - the only stop I'm making today in search of their's RELIEF day! I'm relieved because I can see that the ride of life that I'm on will mostly take sudden turns and jerks and sometimes veer completely off of the anticipated road but, it will come to a calm every now again. And for me, that's relief.

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