After doing laundry for 6 people now for about 3 years, I think I've graduated to a post doctorate level of laundry expertise. As I'm letting go of my illusion of control in many areas, it doesn't surprise me that I'm now at the gown wearing, degree toting level of laundry success.
In the last couple of days, I've noticed that some people (names to remain private) are taking off their clothes and leaving them turned inside out. After doing load after load, I realized that I could expedite the process (to move onto more chores - you thought I was going to say something fun, didn't you?) by not folding every piece of laundry that goes into their basket. I mean, it's still CLEAN, which is the goal, right?!?
I know, go ahead and smile and cheer; Regina has experienced a victory in the world of flexibility. Just because I care how my clothes are put into the laundry basket doesn't mean that most other people care at the same capacity that I do or that they even, quite frankly, care! They just want clean clothing and until they are out of the house and regularly washing, week after week, their own clothes, there will be no parade for the laundry queen.
So, since it's not even a category that I can win in (treasures in heaven, treasures in heaven), I've let go. And this is what you get (see picture above - poor lighting since it's in the basement and I still don't know how to use the flash on my phone camera)...6 baskets, filled with clean laundry; some folded, most not. Socks go in the sock basket so when you have the the need for socks; you know where to find them and have the luxury of matching at your own pace.
It so turns out that this higher level of laundry training feels like love. There's no promise that I'll be around to see everyone I live with through to their older years, therefore it stands to reason that there is a need to teach people to fish or in the case, launder.
As you're reading this, you're likely having one of two thoughts - geesh, what took you so long Regina; this isn't a 500 level course, it's beginner level stuff at best OR you're thinking, way to go gurlfriend, you've cracked the code (well, this one anyway). I'm camping out on the latter of the two, but think what you will I finished another load of folding and sorting clean laundry in under 3 minutes.
Until next time, Professor Regina (aka Laundress Extraordinaire)