Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Has it really been since March that I've written a post?  I guess the blog doesn't lie.

Anyhoo, I'm back, rebooting, recharging and gearing up to write (again).  I'm not going to overanalyze why I haven't chosen to write; it basically boils down to letting other people get into my head. You ever do that?  Let people cause you doubt what you know you oughta be doing?  I used to do it all of the time, but less as I get older.  So, I'm back to writing - again!  

So, let's say that I've just hit the "sync" button and that I am working hard to get things back to "normal".  The family is away on a mini-vacation up in the Dells and I, poor me, have been left to my own devices here in an empty house for 3 days, 2 nights.  I've been thinking a lot about this and wondering how to say this so that everyone reading would understand, but - IT'S HEAVENLY, WONDERFUL, AMAZING!!! Can you picture me doing "the Carlton" in my kitchen with a big grin on my face?  It's - oh that good!  Now, I will offer the regular caveat - I miss my family and am excited to see them, but for right now - I'm so glad to be home alone.  

I've cleaned, read, watched television, caught up on months of work, painted my nails, eaten good food, slept great. It's truly been a great start to the summer. Right now, my feet are up, I'm waiting for the next load of laundry to beep at me and finally catching up on the final season & episode of "24". It may have taken me another few months to get my act together and get these important things done.

It's been my transition into summer that I'm making.  I'm so hoping that I can do this again next year.  Oh God please give me this opportunity next year.  With so many plans for summer, there's so much to look forward to and prepare for, it'll be July before we know it. I get to go to Grand Convention in Arizona (look for a post in a couple of weeks), then to visit friends in Oklahoma for the 4th and then on a week long trip to Georgia to visit my folks. It sounds like a lot on paper and I believe it'll be a lot when it comes to packing and the actual enjoying of these experiences - stay tuned for those posts as well.  July slows and hopefully I'll get to do a lot of reading and clearing out for a potential guest room remodel in the fall.  (Oh, I'm hoping this will happen - you're welcome to come and stay with us!)  Then in August we'll really have only a few weeks to enjoy the kids because at one point or another, someone will be at summer camp.  Then SCHOOL!!!  With having a high school freshman and a first year middle schooler, there will be some adjustments on the homefront to make.

In addition to all of that, there is plenty to look forward to for me as I settle more into my life here in Wauwatosa.  I've signed on as the PTA Treasurer, Soccer Team Manager (Gooo Galaxy!) and am holding down two Advisory Board Positions for Theta (Advisory Board Chair & Development).  I'm super excited!  I'm mostly looking forward to meeting new people and experiencing things I wouldn't normally get to enjoy or see due to the people I'll be interacting with. I'm even looking forward to challenges and opportunities for growth - as I'm sure that they'll occur.

I want to send a mini-shout out to my neighbor who glanced at my blog and likely without realizing it, encouraged me to write again. I'm so grateful, I hope to keep writing and have some funny, heartwarming, real and sometimes profound posts to share in the near future.

Here's to a full recharge for me and blogging "Life with the Ericksons".  

1 comment:

  1. Yeah-I've been waiting for your update! Even though we regularly catch up - I love your writing and think your excellent at it! Continue to enjoy your mini vacay alone and relaxed! CAS
