In the Spring of 1992, I joined Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity at UW-Madison. As an undergrad, I never thought of myself as a leader in the chapter. I lived in the chapter my senior year in college and held the position of Social Chair. In a predominantly while sorority, I was often insecure about what I had to offer and am glad for the consistent opportunities to break out of my comfort zone. Oddly enough, I'm now the Advisory Board Chair for the same chapter I joined over 15 years ago. This means that I oversee the board of other advisors and assist them in their work with the chapter officers; our primary goal is to help guide the women in success as they manage the organization. I absolutely enjoy the position and all that comes with it. I get to work with a lot of different women and seem to be doing a good job at it; even when they're displeased with me and some of my techniques and decisions along the way.
One of the ways my hard work was recently recognized was at the All Greek Awards; which I must admit - I didn't know it even existed (and they've been doing it for 19 years). Above, I'm holding my plaque for "Outstanding Chapter Advisor". I didn't know that I was nominated. I opened my email about 3 weeks ago and received a congratulatory note from the President of the All Greek Council letting me know that I'd been nominated in November last year and that I'd won. I was surprised, so I did what anyone would do...I wrote back and asked what the criteria was in their selection process and then looked the organization up on the Internet to see if this was legit. (I know, I'm working on receiving great things) Turns out, the woman on 2nd from the left in the picture above - Molly Stamer, the 2009 Theta Chapter President had nominated me months ago on her own volition.
When looking at the website (http://www.uwgreek.com/community/aga.html) validated how much bigger of a deal than I'd originally thought it would be. There are over 30 Greek organizations on the UW campus and out of those, I was a winner! Not only did I win, but Theta took home 3 additional awards. So it was a win-win-win-win situation (gotta watch "The Office" to get that one).
Naomi, on the far left is holding the "Chapter of Excellence Award", I'm holding my award, then Molly is holding hers, "Outstanding Chapter President" and Kim is holding the "Risk Management Award". After the ceremony, one of the Fraternity boys that they know came over to the table and said, "You all cleaned up!". That we did and it was such a huge encouragement, especially having been on probation for a large part of 2009. I was so proud of them and of myself too. The plaque is sitting in the middle of the dining room table on display for now. If only there were Academy-esque Award Ceremonies for being a wife or mother...
For now, this award will have to do; so with that...my acceptance speech.
I'd like to thank the AGA Council for existing and taking time out of their busy schedules to recognize those of us dedicated to volunteerism within the Greek System. I'd also like to thank Jenny Nichols for recruiting me back into this position - some days that's a thank you and others, well...it's not. To my husband for finally coming around and supporting me even though I'm a 37 year old with an English major and Master's Degree in Education and still can not explain why I enjoy working with Theta so very much. Of course to the collegians, this award would not have been possible without a nomination from them as well as the every day things they do that keep me on my toes:) And mostly, to God for encouraging me in this very special way.
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO!!! You deserve it lady- you are an amazing leader, role model, sister in Christ and best friend! Love you tons, CAS