Thursday, August 14, 2008

Serving God

So, we're garbage collectors...It's truly a fancy title for "servants of God". The kids and I, Monica and her son Dartanian (center) got to help Marlo, [prayerfully soon, our sister in Christ], pick up garbage. Marlo is in charge of managing a couple of apartment buildings and with recently moving herself, fell behind in some of the work she wanted to get done. Funny, because I was tempted to feel as though bringing the kids would be a distraction from spending quality time with her as she studied about God. I am so glad that we brought our children because they were able to serve.

All of them served Marlo with an eager heart. Picking up trash isn't the most glorious thing they enjoy doing in their free time (unless it's a video game), but there was no reward and no bribes. It made me realize that our kids are eager to know that they too have a place in pleasing and showing love to God. We as parents, have a responsibility to find these ways and make time for them to give back at the age they are now so that it becomes a part of their character and journey with God as they grow older.

It was a tangible thing to pick up this garbage to serve our "neighbor" and I believe that God was pleased. I only pray that it made as much of an impact on their hearts as it did on mine.

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