One of the many things he got to do (firewood chopping, fishing, hanging around the campfire) was kayaking. They said that he was a natural. Within minutes he was steering and moving backwards and forwards and commanding his ship. He had a great time and was super calm and confident in his OWN kayack.
That is impressive and tender to me all at the same time.
I mean look at him...he's 9! He's four hours north of where we live in the middle of a lake by himself with an oar. He's having the time of his life...without me. He's growing into the challenges set before him and truly endeavoring to stand tall in the face of something new. After all this little boy has been through, I'm so grateful to God that we have friends who'd take him and expose him to these things and even more grateful that Dylan does not shirk away from them.
I pray that he only grows in his confidence that with God all things are possible. It is motivating to me to be able to move away from the edge of the proverbial pool and stand in the middle with eager anticipation about what is about to be sent my way.
Kayaking is only one of many ways I'll be called to stand back and watch Dylan and our other three children spread their wings. I'll be called to give them space while still shouting loud enough for them to hear my voice, letting them know we're there for them, that it's all going to be okay. In times like these, I think so much of how God loves me this way and parents and loves me in this way.
I'm not a professional...but yes, He loves me.
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