We have been on a long road together as friends for almost a decade. I met her when I was an advisor for our sorority. She was a leader in the organization and searching for God (though she might not have admitted it at the time). We became friends and I pursued the friendship and learned a lot about taking the time to get to know someone. She is a wonderful lady.
Through our friendship, she knew me as Regina Simon, married to my first husband. She watched me have a baby (well, not literally), move on from the sorority, go back to school, become a teacher, raise my son, she moved in with us for a little while, then was there for me through Chad's injury and death. She has been a friend for a lifetime. Most recently though, my friend showed her support and loyalty through pointing out love that I couldn't (wasn't looking) to see.
After a long weekend in Indianapolis for New Years Eve with the Single's ministry there...she saw love for me in Mark. I was blind or clueless, either way, I was shocked. With gentleness and compassion, she helped me step into a lot of my fears and pushed me to embrace his love...I say push, but really all she did was knock me up side the head a little and the rest was Mark and me.
I write all of this to give you a small hint of why I dearly adore this young woman. It was so exciting and challenging to watch it be her turn to get married. Knowing it was something she's wanting her entire life made me keep forcing myself to let go. I just wasn't ready. Thankfully there are things like showers, personal showers and rehearsals to keep reminding us that the event (and changes to follow) are really about to take place. I really needed to begin to let go of her...she was about to become Ben's...I'm choked up thinking about it even now.
We had such a great time celebrating their wedding on July 26 of this year.
For pictures -
(Go to: http://www.frphoto.com/ for photos, go to "online catalog", locate CaSondra & Benjamin, password - "opensesame")
Who would have thought when we met a decade ago that we'd be brides within months of one another. I'm so grateful for this friendship and know that God handpicked us for one another. I didn't have a sister in my family, but CaSondra is definitely filling in that role for me.
I love you CaS (and Ben too)...CONGRATULATIONS!!!
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