There's been a lot of "getting older" going on around here. Dylan turned 11 on June 5 and Sabrina celebrated her 11th birthday on the 18th. It's been busy! With end-of-the-year promotions, end of the year field trips, my parent's 39th anniversary (sorry I didn't get you anything yet), Father's Day and nail & hair appointment (on different days no less) , it's been difficult to believe that this month still has more stuff to put into it.
My husband, Mark & I lead the Junior High Teen Ministry at our church (7th & 8th graders) and today was the "Promotion Ceremony" - it was fun, stained by one major absence - Taylor; my 14 year old stepson. Why he wasn't present, I will not share about in this forum, in another day or two, will it even matter? But, I realized how much I missed him and wanted to have some closure on his time with us in this ministry as well recognizing a big transition - going on to high school. This summer isn't going to happen again for him in the same way. I know it's inevitable that kids grow and grow up and grow apart from the adults in their lives, I mean I wasn't going to go through a box of Kleenex over it, but I felt robbed of the opportunity to officially marker the moment. I think I've gained a little better insight to what Mark must experience only seeing pieces of 3 of his children's development, growth & choices; and two different households really can & do bring out different things in the same 3 that I'm speaking of - it's very interesting.
Anyhoo, having so much growth in the Erickson Posse, even in the 2 years since we've met and began bonding this family, I feel the pull everyday that we make more memories and spend more time. It's like a wicked, twisted curse. Okay, perhaps that's a bit dramatic, it's more likely another opportunity to pray and for ME to grow closer to God. Really, THE point. As our kids grow, we grow - they force us to. We can't do and say and be who we always were - we've got to evolve and change and be willing to grow, dig and shed layers and try on new skin. It's so hard, because the biggest revelation I have in all of this is that it seems - and it's not completely confirmed yet - that I'm turning into my parents and even more frightening a fan of how they disciplined in particular. I hated it while going through it (or receiving it, shall we say), but would so like to expose the children to just.a.little.taste. It's all perspective people.
Birthdays are only once a year and a significant markers for the growth of a person. We're learning to celebrate each child individually to their liking. With Dylan we took on a full on theme for his birthday, but Brina had a large, personal cupcake for breakfast on her birthday - less attention, less rigamarole (so excited I got to use that word). I'd like to think that neither child would complain. At our personal family meal when we celebrate someone, especially on their birthday, we share what we love about them. It's only been 2 years as a "fam" that we've been doing this and it was the youngest who asked at Brina's breakfast birthday celebration - "Can we go around and say what we love about Sabrina"? We did.
It was a great family time. The things that were shared were different, new. Sabrina HAS grown a lot. Not just physically (can you say training bra? huh, hem), but emotionally too. This young lady is really working hard to speak multi-syllable phrases and initiating them on her own. One day last week, she was finishing up her breakfast at the table and I heard her say, "Na (what she calls me)?, Nunclock". I stepped closer and she pointed at the clock across the room and repeated herself and guess what - IT WAS NINE O'CLOCK! Watch out world, Sabrina's showing up and growing up.
We all are, together. It's no easy task, but we're in it, to win it and the rewards of the growing pains are good.