I didn't expect that my family would treat my birthday the same that I treated theirs. (Look back at 2009 posts) I expected them to do SOMETHING though. Am I too complicated, too greedy, too much of a perfectionist to have had them plan for my birthday?
I hesitate to even write this since there were many treasures: My parents sent me a beautiful bouquet; the ones you see above. I had at least 30 Facebook friends give me a shout out; that was cool - it's permanently on my page too so I can go back and look at it. I got a new purse (I have an addiction), I had to go and buy it myself, but I have it. I also had a dear friend - who was on the peak of Mt. Kilimingaro - send me a package to open today. I received a castle shaped, powdered sugar sprinkled pound cake - my favorite - from my mother -in-law and the standard birthday card from my father-in-law. I even got cards from my first husband's great aunts (2 of them).
Maybe I've attracted what I got from my immediate family. I woke up this morning sensing that plans hadn't been made and stayed in pajamas unshowered and in front of mindless television and reading magazines all day. I shut down and hid out. If blessed with another year, I need to accept that I will need to plan my own birthday. I was hoping that my husband would gather the troops and show me they love me and wanted me to have a special day.
I am looking forward to seeing Elizabeth Gilbert speak in Madison with two dear friends, tickets I bought and am throwing myself a birthday party next week. Things I'm looking forward to, but won't be the same as the tokens of gratitude I'd hoped my immediate family would show me. Are you wondering what I would've love to have had? A clean house. I asked for a mixed CD; they could've put it in the tote bag. I like quiet. A card, homemade would've been great too. Is that unreasonable? I'm being serious.
I try to be upbeat in my posts; out of 80 plus posts for the most part I think I've been fairly successful. No matter how I spin it, this time will miss that mark; surely...
Happy Birthday to me.
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